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Wordle Helper


For anyone reading this who doesn't know, Wordle is a game own the The New York Times where you have six guesses to figure out a five letter word. When you make a guess you the letters turn either grey(wrong), yellow(right but wrong place), or green(correct). At the end either you've guessed it or failed, and you get a grid you can send to friends to show how good/terrible you are at guessing words. Here's an example of one that shows the date of this blog post is a blatant lie:

Wordle 821 4/6


As a fun idea I thought I'd make a small web app to help people struggling with the game. The original itention was to make it as deep as possible, so you'd be able to enter letters and state if they were green or yellow, and exclude known incorrect letters. But at that point you're not really playing the game are you? So I thought for fun and as a small project I'd actually complete I use the green letters only. You can use the app either by clicked Dev->Wordle Helper or going here.

When you open the app there are five text inputs and three buttons. You place the letters in the inputs and it doesn't accept more then one letter or any non-letters. It also auto-capitalises the letters for you like in Wordle itself.

Get Suggestions does as the name implies, once you've entered a few letters it goes through the list and using Regex finds entries that match what have been put in. Any empty squares are matching with all letters since there's no exempt function.

Clear Letters removes all letters from text inputs.

Get First Word gives you a nice first word if you don't want to use AUDIO, SLATE or whatever the current popular starting word is.