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This Site


Let's break down the different components that I used to make this site. I won't be including thing's that I've built as they will get their own posts. I'll also link where I got the parts from and include any credits needed here.

Next js

The overall framework that runs the site is Next JS since it's the one I've found I prefer compared to others. Being able to write blog posts in markdown and have them turned into pages along with being able to make small projects in TypeScript is perfect for my needs. I haven't developed the general layout myself, I found a template on the Vercel website here.

Tailwind CSS & Daily UI

A previous version of the site more built from the ground up by myself also used the Tailwind CSS library along with Daisy UI for individual components.

Word List

For the Wordle Helper I found a dictionary on Kaggle, here to get all the five letter words from. For more information about it's use in the Wordle Helper itself, the post for it specifically can be found here.